Professor Ts. Dr. Sharifudin Md Shaarani was appointed as the new Vice Chancellor of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), effective from July 1, 2022, until June 30, 2025.

Professor Ts. Dr. Sharifudin Md Shaarani, 51, replaced Professor Dato’ Dr. Mohamed Ridza Wahiddin, whose appointment expires on May 9, 2022. He graduated with a Bachelor of Food Science with Nutrition from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (1995), a Master of Science from the University of Reading (1997), and subsequently obtained a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Cambridge in 2007 in the field of Food Technology.

He is active in research and publication by producing high-impact journals. He is also active in consultancy activities in the field of the halal industry and has been heavily involved with halal industry projects internationally. Among his consultancy projects include halal certification of meat products from China for DJR Sdn. Bhd., halal certification of black fungus and black garlic for UMS-Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences, China, training for halal analysis in Machida, Japan, as well as being the Halal Auditor Chief for Training Halal auditors for the Halal Audit led by the Government of Kuwait.

A scholar with extensive experience in administration, with the last position as Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) at USIM, his expertise is highly valued and for that he has been appointed to hold various important roles in administration and academia. Among others, as a Committee Member of the Religious Council Islam Sabah (MUIS) Halal Hub (November 2021 to October 2024), Halal Lecturers at the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) from January 2022 to December 2023, MUIS Halal Auditor (January 2021–December 2023), Member of the University Academic Quality Assessment Panel Malaysia Sabah (2019-2021), Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) Assessing Panel (2017-2020), and Malaysian Institute of Higher Education (IPT) Halal Institute Consortium Assessing Panel (2018-2019).

He is also an exclusive trainer for the Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) training programme in addition to holding professional memberships such as Professional Member of the Malaysian Institute of Food Technology (MIFT), Professional Technologist of the Malaysian Institute of Technology (MBOT), Malaysian Member of the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) and various affiliates.

USIM celebrates his appointment by the Minister of Higher Education because, with the expertise and experience he has, it is hoped to drive the university to the forefront as an entity and as a public university that leads the integration of Naqli and Aqli knowledge as its core.

Work at the Islamic Science Institute (ISI), USIM where I do tawhidic-based knowledge integration in biodiversity, ecology, and sustainability. My current projects revolve around inspiration from Quranic excerpts & Hadith for translational and educational researches; outreaching communities and cascading it through to pre-school levels. The aim is to instil the sense of purpose amongst muslim communities in achieving Sustainable Development and Khayra Ummah.

Dr. Haji Norakyairee Mohd Raus diamanahkan sebagai Pengarah Pusat Penyelidikan Ibnu Ummi Maktum USIM dan telah berkhidmat selama 20 tahun di USIM sebagai Pensyarah di Fakulti Pengajian Quran dan Sunnah.

Pencapaian terbesar beliau sepanjang menerajui Pusat Penyelidikan Ibnu Ummi Maktum ialah apabila Aplikasi Quran Isyarat tersenarai dalam Malaysia Book of Records sebagai Aplikasi Quran Isyarat yang pertama di Malaysia baru-baru ini.

Sepanjang perkidmatan beliau di USIM beliau telah terlibat lebih daripada 30 penyelidikan dan inovasi berkaitan Islam dan OKU antaranya Smart Iqra’ Braille, Garis Panduan Penerbitan Mushaf al-Quran Braille Malaysia, Pembangunan aplikasi glosari Islam bagi keperluan OKU Pendengaran (i-Sign Islami), Emansipasi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Quran bagi OKU dan banyak lagi.

Datuk Profesor Dr. Asma Ismail dilahirkan pada tanggal 15 Jun 1958 di Jitra, Kedah. Beliau merupakan lulusan dari Universiti Nevada, Reno, Amerika Syarikat dalam bidang Biologi dan memperoleh PhD di universiti yang sama dalam bidang Biologi Selular dan Molekul pada tahun 1986. Beliau memperoleh Ijazah sarjana dalam bidang Mikrobiologi dari Universiti Indiana, Bloomington, Amerika Syarikat.

Beliau merupakan pakar dalam bidang Mikrobiologi Perubatan, Mikrobiologi Klinikal, Perubatan Bioteknologi dan telah menerima lebih daripada 92 anugerah dan pengiktirafan di peringkat nasional dan antarabangsa.

Prof. Dato’ Dr. Musa Ahmad dilahirkan di Panchor, Muar Johor. Beliau berkelulusan Ijazah Sarjana Muda (Kelas Pertama) dalam jurusan Kimia (UKM, 1985); Master (Instrumention and Analytical Science) (University of Manchester, 1987) dan PhD (Optical Fibre Chemical Sensor) (University of Manchester, 1994).

Kepakaran beliau dalam bidang sains khususnya melibatkan teknologi sensor kimia dan biosensor.